The Sleestax

I thought it would be cool to have an army full of skinks, all skirmishing and running around the board shooting things with blowpipes. Then the new army book came out and things changed. I still run this as a skink-based army, but in larger games they will be lead by a lone sarus oldblood on a carnosaur.

For this army I wanted to base it off of some real-life critters so I chose the poison dart frogs from Costa Rica with their red bodies and blue arms and legs. I really like how the skinks came out like this. For other creatures I decided to just go with whatever colors suited me. I usually like to have everything in the army look "uniform", but for lizards there is just so much variety and color out there I decided to just have fun with it and even with the different colors mixed in, the army still looks great together.

As there are a lot of skirmishing units, I decided to invest in Gale Force 9 movement trays for each unit. They look really good when painted and flocked like the rest of the bases. I also picked up a pack of jungle swarms and used little bits of plastic fish aquarium plants to decorate the bases with.

I created a few army blogs around the web, check em out on Dakka Dakka, Warseer or Pyramid Vault.

Here are 2 of my army's leaders. A chief who is the general for smaller games, and my priest riding an ancient segadon with an engine of the gods
Chief Tun'tuk High Priest Hakrax High Priest Hakrax High Priest Hakrax High Priest Hakrax

Coming Soon
Sarus Oldblood on a Carnosaur! Rawr!

Skink Skirmishers
I have 2 units of skirmishers, each with their own movement tray. Here's pics of one of them
Skink Skirmishers Skink Skirmishers

Skink Infantry
I wanted a big block of troops, so of course I had to add in some Kroxigors!
Skink Unit

Here are my 2 Kroxigors. Right now since I just have 2, they travel around with my skink infantry. Eventually I'll get a 3rd krox so they can move around on their own

Coming Soon!
I plan to add a unit of Teradons sooner or later.

This is my full unit of Razordons. I have a special movement tray for them as well, but haven't finished it yet.

Coming Soon!
I hope to also add a full unit of Salamanders.


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