Heraldry Their color scheme is black and gold, with red accents here and there. Helmet's eye lenses are red, any form of gem-like object is red, the styleized wings on the skull that the Purifiers wear on their right sholder are red, and their power weapons are red. Any kind of skull, other than an image of one painted on, will traditionally be painted white, to look like a true skull. Most light armor is black, with gold trim. This includes normal Space Marine power armor and light vehicles such as land speeders. Heavy armor has the pattern reversed, being mostly gold with black trim. This includes terminator armor and tanks. The Knights are not fond of banners and flags. The only banner that will be displayed, and proudly, is the Chapter Standard that the standard bearer will carry. Banners are not found on tiny flagpoles on top of marine backpacks, nor are they found on vehicles such as tanks and dreadnoughts. The emblem of the Knights can be described in 2 parts: First, the Three Pointed Star, as it is known to them. It is simply a triangle with the 3 corners "filled in". One tip of the star points down, making a flat line across the top. The 3 points signify the basic belif structure, code and credo of the Knights: Honor, Valor, and Pride. This emblem is found on the right shoulder pads of all marines, with the excepton of the Purifiers, who wear a winged skull there. Second, The Wings of Destiny. This is a stylized set of wings, and harkens back to the chapter's roots, which is believed, but not verified, to be part of the Dark Angels. This icon is usually found inside the 3 pointed star on the Chapter Standard. It symbolizes their belif that they were stranded on their home world for a reason, it is their destiny to turn the tide in the Imperiums war on Chaos. This icon is usually found painted on vehicles, but rarely on Marine armor. The illustration below shows the basic marine color scheme and shoulder pad icons. The left pad is simply a skull, either molded onto the pad (for higher ranking officers or purifyers) or painted on. The left shoulder pad is the Three Pointed Star. Inside the star will usually be a number associating the marine with the detachment to which he belongs, the star and number is in gold. Terminator shoulder pads have Terminator Honors on the left, and Three Pointed Star on the right, painted in black. Purifyers have a molded skull on the left, and a winged skull on the right.
The Purifies are the elite of the elite among the knights. Due to their isolation on Alurzia, they were forced to rethink most battle tactics and structures honored by the Imperium. They began as protectors of The Stormrider in his command squad, and as other brave marines were given this title, they moved on to command tactical units and fill other roles. Purifiers appear in scout and tactical squads in place of Sergeants, and Purifier Lords will take the place of Veteran Sergeants. There are no Assault squads, Terminator squads or Devistator Squads, instead the roles that those squads tend to fill are now given to Purifier squads. They wield Storm Bolters and have 2 heavy weapons, like Terminators. They posess great close combat skills and usually wield power weapons, and the entire squad may be given Terminator Honors which will allow them to fight in close combat better. With a shortage of mobile heavy weapons, it was decided long ago to assign them to tactical squads, therefore devistator squads are now non-existant. As 2 heavy weapons are allowed in Purifier Squads, they can also fill that role. Purifiers fill 1 Elite unit choce in Force Organization. Also note that these options are for Purifier Squads, Purifier Guardsmen are slightly different, and defined in the HQ section. Building Purifiers: As there are no Purifier models made by GW, you will have to convert your own. You will need the following bitz:
Just put your marine together the usual way, but I've found the best miniatures to use for them are Space Marine Sergeants, as they all have more dynamic poses and have that "elite" look to them. To do the arms and weapons, you will have to cut the arm and hand away from the storm bolter. be very careful to not mess up the gun. Take the assault arms and cut off the chainsword (unless you want to keep that instead of a power weapon) and cut off the bolt pistol on the other arm, make sure to leave the fists on the arm. Then, just add the stormbolter in place of the bolt pistol, and a powersword blade in place of the chainsword. If you trim off all of the bitz around the fist, you can just cut off the handle of the powersword and keep the whole hilt there, and it should fit over the fist perfectly. Overall, it is a kind of expensive conversion, with all the bitz you will need to order. If you can get yourself to a Games Day, GW sells all of their bitz there by the ounce, so you can stock up on what you need and it won't cost so much :) |
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